发布时间:2020-05-14   浏览次数:2043

郭超 博士


 2015年博士毕业于中国科学院生物物理研究所,2015-2019年于东南大学博士后工作站进行神经生物学方向的研究,2019 年11月入职太阳成集团tyc151cc。

 主要研究方向方向为果蝇遗传学、免疫组织化学、分子生物学、神经生物学和行为学;发表多篇SCI 论文;主持国家自然科学基金青年项目(2018-2020)。



1.Guo, C*., Gao, C*., & Pan, Y. Visual interneuron involved in the visual pursuit of sexually aroused Drosophila (in preparation).

2.Gao, C.*, Guo, C.*, & Pan, Y. Premature death caused by fruM-positive neurons activation reveals a homeostatic feedback signal that prevents Drosophila males from suppress excessive sexual activity (in preparation).

3.Wu, S.*, Guo, C.*, Zhao, H.*, Sun, M., Chen, J., Han, C., . . . Pan, Y. Drosulfakinin/CCKLR signaling in fruitless circuitry antagonizes P1 neurons to regulate sexual arousal in Drosophila. Nat Commun, 2019, 10, 4770.

4.Guo C#, Pan Y, Gong Z. Recent advances in the genetic dissection of neural circuits in Drosophila. Neurosci Bull (online).

5.Zhang W, Guo C, Chen D, Peng Q, Pan Y#. Hierarchical control of Drosophila sleep, courtship, and feeding behaviors by male-specific P1 Neurons. Neurosci Bull, 2018, 34: 1105-1110.

6.郭超#. 空间在大脑中的表征——2014年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖解读. 中国医药生物技术, 2015, 10 (1): 2-4.

7.Guo C, Du Y, Yuan D, Li M, Gong H, Gong Z#, et al.A conditioned visual orientation required the ellipsoid body in Drosophila. Learn Mem, 2015, 22 (1): 56-63.

8.Hou Q, Jiang H, Zhang X, Guo C, Huang B, Wang P, et al. Nitric oxide metabolism controlled by formaldehyde dehydrogenase (fdh, homolog of mammalian GSNOR) plays a crucial role in visual pattern memory in Drosophila. Nitric Oxide, 2011, 24 (1): 17-24.

9.Gong Z, Liu J, Guo C, Zhou Y, Teng Y, Liu L. Two pairs of neurons in the central brain control Drosophila innate light preference. Science, 2010, 330 (6003): 499-502.