发布时间:2020-05-14   浏览次数:1776

盛佳婧 博士,太阳集团tyc5997 讲师


毕业于武汉大学遗传学专业,主要从事基于多组学数据分析的基因挖掘及功能研究工作,在miRNAs测序、转录组测序研究和功能验证中具有丰富的经验,熟悉分子生物学和分子遗传学研究相关技术手段,在Industrial Crops and ProductsBMC geneticsFrontiers in molecular neuroscience等期刊上发表研究论文7篇,其中一作3篇。主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目一项,南通市级项目一项,江苏省高校项目一项。



1.     生理和病理状态下血管新生的遗传机制研究;

2.     纤毛发育的分子遗传机制研究



1. Jiajing Sheng, Xingfei Zheng, Jia Wang, Shuguang Liu, Ming Pang, Fasong Zhou, Zhongli Hua, Ying Diaob, Surong Jin. MicroRNAs and their targets by high-throughput sequencing and differentially expressed analysis in five Miscanthus species. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018.4.5, 196(205). 

2. Jiajing Sheng, Xingfei Zheng, Jia Wang, Xiaofei Zeng, Fasong Zhou, Surong Jin, Zhongli Hu& Ying Diao. Transcriptomics and proteomics reveal genetic and biological basis of superior biomass crop Miscanthus[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017.10.23, 7(1). 

3. Jiajing Sheng, Xiaohu Hu, Xiaofei Zeng, Ye Li, Fasong Zhou, Zhongli Hu, Surong Jin &Ying Diao. Nuclear DNA content in Miscanthus sp. and the geographical variation pattern in Miscanthus lutarioriparius. Scientific reports, 2016.10.4, 6(34342).

4. Xiaofei Zeng, Jiajing Sheng, Fenglin Zhu, Lingling Zhao, Xiaohu Hu, Xingfei Zheng, Fasong Zhou, Zhongli Hu, Ying Diao, Surong Jin. Differential expression patterns reveal the roles of cellulose synthase genes (CesAs) in primary and secondary cell wall biosynthesis in Miscanthus× giganteus. Industrial Crops and Products,2020, 145, 112129.

5.Jie Gong, Songqun Hu, Zigang Huang, Yuebo Hu, Xiaoning Wang, Jinxiang Zhao, Peipei Qian, Cheng Wang, Jiajing Sheng, Xiaofeng Lu, Guangyun Wei and Dong Liu. The requirement of Sox2 for the spinal cord motor neuron development of zebrafish. Frontiers in molecular neuroscience,2020,13(34).

6.Wang, J, Sun, H., Sheng, J., Jin, S., Zhou, F., Hu, Z. *, & Diao, Y *. Transcriptome, physiological and biochemical analysis of Triarrhena sacchariflora in response to flooding stress [J]. BMC genetics, 2019, 20(1): 88.

7. Cheng, T., Zhu, F., Sheng, J., Zhao L., Zhou F., Hu Z., Diao Y & Jin S. Selection of suitable reference genes for quantitive real-time PCR normalization in Miscanthus lutarioriparia. Mol Biol Rep 46, 4545–4553 (2019).